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Art Flow & Mind Grow with Mrs. Cavallaro

Exploring, Engaging, Explaining, Elaborating, & Extending through Artful Experiences.




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The Four Creative Practices

These 4 meta-cognitive art practices are essential to practice across all other core subjects because they nurture the effective work habits of curiosity, creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and collaboration in both life and learning in our modern world. 


Students will learn to form mental images or concepts. In art, we gain permission and confidence to see things in a unique manner.  We listen to others' ideas; springboarding from those to improve and build upon earlier versions of our own thought. New ideas are born through collaboration.


Students will learn to observe or study an art piece or concept through exploration and/or examination.  Students may realize unique symbol systems and metaphors that convey and inform life experiences. In art, we seek and appreciate enduring qualities and significance. We identify patterns and relationships and connect them to other knowledge.


Students will make or form art by combining parts or elements.  Each child will become a creator and learn to discover and develop their own creative capacity.  For many individuals, this will provide lifelong satisfaction.


Students will practice deep and careful thinking.  This action will enhance mental, physical and emotional well-being. Artistically literate citizens seek artistic experiences and support the arts in their local, state, national and global communities.  Artistic citizens become innovators in our society.

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